Thứ Hai, 31 tháng 10, 2016

Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, questions FBI Director James Comey during testimony before the House Oversight Committee on July 7, 2016.  (Photo: Jack Gruber, USA TODAY)

The FBI’s announcement that it would review new information that may pertain to the closed investigation into Hillary Clinton's private email server has created some strange alliances.

On Monday, the chairman of the conservative House Freedom Caucus criticized the timing of FBI Director James Comey’s decision to inform lawmakers of the review.

“I think this was probably not the right thing for Comey to do," Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, told Fox __news Radio's Kilmeade and Friends.

Jordan did say why he thought Comey ultimately announced the FBI’s decision to review the new emails.

“He probably felt in light of what he did before he had to bring this out. Quite frankly, because he had done the press conference and all the things he had before, he probably did have to send a letter to Congress like he did last week. But I would argue all of this has been wrong from the get go in the way it’s been handled.

Jordan joins other unlikely Clinton allies, ex-Illinois congressman Joe Walsh, who made waves recently for saying he would grab his musket if Donald Trump does not win the election.

"Politics aside, James Comey has screwed this thing up from the get go," Walsh tweeted Sunday. "He wrongly let her off in July & he wrongly stuck it to her Friday."

And Sen. Chuck Grassley, chair of the Judiciary Committee, sent a letter to Comey Monday. While Grassley said he agreed with the decision to make the discovery of new information public he was critical of the way Comey had handled the announcement.

"You clearly faced a difficult decision about whether, what, and how much to disclose about this new information.

"Any choice could be seen as affecting the election. Some critics of your decision to update your testimony to Congress are inexplicably calling on you with their next breath to release even more information. While I disagree with those who suggest you should have kept the FBI’s discovery secret until after the election, I agree that your disclosure did not go far enough. Unfortunately, your letter failed to give Congress and the American people enough context to evaluate the significance or full meaning of this development.

"Without additional context, your disclosure is not fair to Congress, the American people, or Secretary Clinton."

The new messages under review were discovered in a separate investigation into Anthony Weiner’s communications with a 15-year-old. Huma Abedin, one of Clinton’s top aides, is married to Weiner, though the couple is now separated. In July, Comey said that the investigation into Clinton's email server had been completed, and the FBI did not recommend criminal charges.

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