Thứ Sáu, 16 tháng 1, 2015

Delusional Triple J supporter sends death threat to fan voting for Taylor Swift in the Hottest 100

THE Taylor Swift for Triple J’s Hottest 100 crusade has turned ugly with a fan of the Shake It Off hit maker receiving death threats.

Deluded Triple J listeners have also compared Swift fans to ISIS, claiming both need to be wiped out.

Melbourne’s Eliza Day, who helped start the Swift campaign two weeks ago, was told “I hope you die a slow, painful death” last night by an Instagram user called dermy.wormy.

HOTTEST 100: Taylor fans take on Triple J ‘snobs’

“When I first saw those Instagram comments I just shrugged, turned Shake It Off on and danced around my house singing “haters gonna hate hate hate hate hate ...”,” an unscathed Day said this morning.

“I have blocked the people who made the comments. Cyber bullying is never ever OK. Like, ever.”

Cyber bullies ... Instagram users hide behind anonymous profiles to spew venom

Cyber bullies ... Instagram users hide behind anonymous profiles to spew venom Source: Supplied

However she said the offensive actions have rallied people to react against the Instagram pest.

“I was talking to some friends yesterday and asking if they were going to vote. They said that although they don’t mind Taylor Swift they had no plans to vote. For her or anyone. But following the unpleasant comments left on my Instagram account they said they would absolutely be voting now as a mark of solidarity against cyber bullying.

“Up until now I’ve been in a Swiftie utopia where everyone is on board and being super supportive. I voted for Taylor a few weeks ago, and anyone who knows me or follows me on social media knows I am also a fierce and loyal supporter of many lesser known bands and artists, so I think most people understand that I simply voted for the songs I loved. They just happened to be by someone well known.”

Day said she cannot understand the hate and anger that has surrounded the campaign, which was started in jest by Buzzfeed and has snowballed over the last few days.

“The biggest misconception is that being a Taylor Swift fan and being an avid Triple J listener are mutually exclusive. While it’s true in some cases, I and many other people fall into both categories. I’m passionate about the music I love but I certainly don’t resent anyone for disagreeing with my tastes, nor can I comprehend wishing death upon someone over it.”

Seems a bit strong ... One of the offensive death threats.

Seems a bit strong ... One of the offensive death threats. Source: Supplied

Voting for the Hottest 100 closes this Sunday at midnight, with the results aired on Australia Day.

Ironically while the thought of Swift infiltrating the Hottest 100 has alarmed many ardent Triple J listeners, Melbourne’s Vance Joy, who won the Hottest 100 with Riptide last year, will open for Swift in concerts across the US, UK and Australia this year.

Swift’s best friend, Lorde, was No. 2 on last year’s Hottest 100 and Milky Chance, who are tipped to poll well with Stolen Dance, covered Shake It Off for Triple J’s Like a Version last week.

Poor hipsters, just let them hide away and find their peace of mind with some indie record that's much cooler than Tay's. #Tay4Hottest100

— Amy Sumner (@herbie_amy) January 16, 2015

While Shake It Off was not played on Triple J last year it, like any other song released last year, can be voted for if entered manually.

Station manager Chris Scadden said on Wednesday: “We supply a list of over 2000 songs that have been played on Triple J in 2014. People are welcome to add songs manually to their voting shortlist and those votes count exactly the same as anything voted from the Triple J list.”

Some fans on Twitter were curious if one of the rules — “Triple J reserves the right to remove artists from the list who have benefited from competitions or commercial campaigns that incentivise fans to vote for them” would make Swift ineligible.

One fan has started an online petition titled “Do not allow Taylor Swift to feature in the annual triple j Hottest 100” which cites the above rule and adds Swift’s songs being heard on Triple J would “ruin the pure essence of triple j, sure we have had songs like Thrift Shop and Pretty Fly For A White Guy win, however this (sic) were at least played on triple j at least once and were listenable before it became overplayed to death” and “If wanted to listen to this song, I would not be listening to triple j. I would listen to NOVA or a TODAYFM program.”

Triple J’s publicist declined to comment on the potential impact of the voting clause and said the station has no more comments to make on the Taylor Swift story.

Uh oh. Now there is a petition against eligibility of #Tay4Hottest100... 1/2

— Nic Christensen (@nicchristensen) January 15, 2015

If Alex Lloyd can win the #Hottest100 with that limp dirge Amazing, why not Tay Tay with an actually good pop song? #Tay4Hottest100

— Amber Robinson (@missrobinson) January 16, 2015

The reaction to the voting for Shake It Off (as well as Blank Space and other Swift songs) highlights how passionate Triple J listeners are towards the station — a loyalty commercial radio spends millions each year trying to foster.

Swift dominated commercial radio last year, with Shake It Off the year’s third highest selling single.

Another favourite this year is Mark Ronson and Bruno Mars’ Uptown Funk. Some have questioned whether if it was a solo Bruno Mars song, not including Triple J favourite Ronson, the national station would playlist it.

In the past both Madonna and Kylie Minogue have lodged songs in the Hottest 100, while ‘cool’ mainstream acts such as Beyonce and Drake have never had a song chart in the poll.

Bruno Mars is in contention to win. Why is Bruno tolerable and Taylor not? Equally commercial, no?? #Tay4Hottest100 #triplejhottest100

— Sam Tomas (@TheRealSamTomas) January 16, 2015

Even betting agencies are trying to make money out of the campaign now.

Shake It Off has gone from $251 to be the favourite to win the Hottest 100 for Sportsbet today.

The company have been following the campaign on Twitter and claim they stand to lose $50,000 if Swift somehow became the first woman to ever win the Hottest 100.

“We have a novelty trader who specialises in this type of thing,” Sportsbet’s Shaun Anderson said. “A lot of research is done at the beginning including looking at charts etc to set the initial market. But the punters really play a big part and we respond to where the money goes. Hence Taylor has been so well backed we have had to cut her price.”

Eliza Day’s initial post from two weeks ago — even Peking Duk liked it, so chill, guys.

Eliza Day’s initial post from two weeks ago — even Peking Duk liked it, so chill, guys. Source: Supplied

SURE DID😜 #Tay4Hottest100


I think the greatest thing about the whole #tay4hottest100 thing is it's started a legitimate debate about the musical divide in Australia.

— sick unwelly (@nicwkelly) January 15, 2015

The biggest flaw with #Tay4Hottest100 is that it picked Shake It Off and not the far superior Blank Space

— Erin Riley (@erinrileyau) January 15, 2015

Taylor Swift Gives One of Her Biggest Fans $1,989

The '1989' singer gave one of her biggest fans the perfect amount of money!

post from sitemap

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