Thứ Hai, 19 tháng 1, 2015

Danish residents of Thisted agree to have as much sex as possible to boost birthrate

A Danish ad campaign asked residents to have more sex. Picture: Screengrab / YouTube

A Danish ad campaign asked residents to have more sex. Picture: Screengrab / YouTube Source: Supplied

A RURAL Danish town is bringing sexy back.

The residents of Thisted, population 13,000 (and growing), have just agreed to spend more time making babies. Lots of babies. The mood is up in Thisted.

The idea is that if people make babies, those babies will grow up to live in Thisted and shop in Thisted and go to schools in Thisted. Because right now those places are seriously under-utilised.

The sleepy town of Thisted is waking up.

The sleepy town of Thisted is waking up. Source: Supplied

Thisted’s birthrate has stalled — it is the lowest in Denmark at 1.6 babies per family — and the measure is hoped to keep crucial services including schools and childcare centres open.

It’s not the first time Thisted residents have talked openly about the birds and the bees.

Previous attempts to encourage copulation include prize draws for positive pregnancy tests and dating websites for people ready to start a family. A ‘Do it for Denmark’ ad campaign last year urged Danes to have more sex on vacation.

Do it for Denmark! 2:00

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A hilarious commercial created by a travel company encouraging locals to help turn around the falling birth rate in Denmark in a unusual competition. Courtesy: Spies Travel

  • 27 Mar 2014
  • Entertainment

It shouldn’t be that hard — there isn’t a whole lot else going on in Thisted. The local sawmill is listed on TripAdvisor’s top attractions in the region. The town is so quiet that in 2007 a police officer discovered a man living on eggs in the forest undisturbed for three years.

Director of Thisted Council said the idea took some getting used to,” The Guardian reported.

“It’s an unusual way of doing things but we had to do something to save our town and maintain a number of children in the community,” he said.

The sexiest town in Denmark

The star of a TV ad campaign in Denmark encouraging residents to have more sex. Source: Supplied

“The threat of shutting schools is over for now. We just need to figure out how to monitor the plan and see how many more children come along. Our intention is to create a vibrant community and attract new families. Many are very excited about the new plan.”

Reproduction may not be a new problem for Thisted, where the coat of arms, established in 1894, features a woman holding a young baby.

The Thisted Coat of Arms is fitting.

The Thisted Coat of Arms is fitting. Source: Supplied

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